“Cheap Yen brings bad manners.”
Above is quote from one of my friends lives in Japan and works in the hospitality industry, renting newly renovated Ochaya to tourists visiting Kyoto. With the fall of the Yen, tourists from all over the world have been flocking to Japan for the food, lodging, and scenic views. This hasn’t been without problems, as people come here without learning Japanese culture and how to be respectful while visiting this country.
@travelynotes (May 23, 2024).Crowd in Kyoto [Photo]. Travely Notes. https://www.travelynotes.com/blog-japan/guide-to-kyotos-gion-matsuri-one-of-japans-biggest-summer-festivals
RESULT OF TOURIST - Trash cans can be hard to find in Japan, and locals typically wait until they get home or to their destination to dispose of their trash. However, tourists who are used to cities with trash cans on every corner often discard their trash wherever they can, without considering the implications and frustration for locals. Unfortunately, this is just one of the smaller byproducts of tourism.
(November 2022). This photo provided by a citizens' group to beautify the Kamo River shows garbage [Photo]. The Mainichi. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20221210/p2a/00m/0na/006000c
BANNED FROM GION - For example, the video shown explains why Kyoto recently banned tourists from Gion after geisha and locals were found to be bothered and pestered by the foreigners visiting.
@sleeping.Tokyo (May 2024). [Video] Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7VE4k7SjR-/?igsh=cGI0ZmxsMTJtbHd3/
This also resulted in many “No Photos” signs placed in Gion and around Shrines.
Yoshiko Sato. (October 31, 201). A sign banning photography has been set up on Hanamikoji Street in Kyoto [Photo]. Asahi Shimbun. https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13060063
BANNED FROM LAWSONS (Mt. Fuji) - A beautiful view over the popular convenience store, Lawsons, has even sparked the Japanese authorities to act. Many tourist would pile into the streets just to get a photo of the Mt. Fuji which could be seen behind the store causing frustration and traffic jams for the locals trying to drive by.
Yusui Munekata. (April 27, 2024). Foreign tourists take photos [Photo] The Asahi Shimbun. https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15248923
Tatsuki Noda. (May 21, 2024). Black netting is installed to block the photogenic view of Mount Fuji [Photo]. The Mainichi. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240525/p2a/00m/0na/005000c
Project Proposal - For my Clay Project I wanted to bring these issues to light in a 10x10 inch raised tile inspired by bas relief shown in the examples of the lesson The background, inspired by Japanese wood carving is of the classic bonsai Infront of this, I wanted to place a Kitsune/Inari Fox statue, like many of the animal statues that can be seen thought the shrines in Japan. In the very front, I wanted this obstructed by rectangular box that would be raised about an inch and hollow in front of the scenery to block the view of the carvings behind it. As if having to look through another tourist phone to see the rest of the blocked scene. In the corner, I want to carve a raised portion that resembles a PET bottle to represent the trash they leave behind in these beautiful and sacred places.
Elena Lisina. (Jun 28, 2019). Kitsune with red apron at Takao-san shrine [Photo]. Japan Travel. https://en.japantravel.com/blog/kitsune-foxstatues/5953
THUMBNAIL - I decided to mix these details of tradition Japanese art and add elements like the phone and the bottle with trash in the corner to represent these rude foreigners taking out their phones in shrines (phones/photos are banned in most areas of the shrines) and leaving trash in places they shouldn’t. I decided to make this into a 9x12 tile with raised and sculpted features.
In Progress - I started with pressed the clay down and carving a frame into the 9x12 space. I made sure there was enough depth the clay to carve the clouds /sky pattern and kept some clay on the side to make the bonsai tree and the kitsune. This before I added the raised rectangular box / phone and other features.
Do you think the finished project effectively conveys the message?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!